From NHK, 2nd April 23:28
Air tercemar dari loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi 2nd station tu dikesan mengalir terus ke laut. They found the contaminated water(more than 1000sv per hour) in a building to store electrical cable in the morning. So they tried to stop the water from leaking to the sea by blocking a crack found on the building. Kira cam air mengalir kat bangunan utk simpan cable tu, dan air bocor dari rekahan yang terdapat kat dinding bangunan tu. However, they still failed to seal the crack by 11pm of today, because the water is flowing too fast into the building and concrete tak sempat nak kering. So they are going to try other method tomorrow morning(3rd April), pour polymer into the sea, so that it can absorb water and block. Err I don't really understand it, mungkin dorg nak mengalirkan polymer, supaya polymer tu membesar menyerap air dan block lubang yang air kotor tu mengalir. What's polymer? google it, or cut a diaper.
dah 11938 orang disahkan meninggal setakat ni. angka ni mungkin naik lagi, sebab tu baru termasuk laporan hilang yang dikeluarkan oleh keluarga. macam mana dengan orang yang hidup bersendirian atau putus hubungan dengan keluarga dan dorg pun tak tau family die duk kt area tu.
suhu di tempat yang kena pun dijangka akan turun menjelang pagi esok, around 0degree c in tomorrow morning. kesiannya orang yang kt tempat perlindungan. ada tempat yang belum cukup bekalan makanan atau selimut atau baju2.
I want to share one more thing with you today. I read on NHK that staffs working in Fukushima nuclear plant only eat 2 times a day, and they can't get enough sleep because a lot of work to be done and there's not enough of food because transportation is still limited there. It's really touching that while we complain about Toden, or PM Kan, staff in the station working day and night to prevent from worst scenario that may happen. While we fussing about pipe water or vegs that maybe contain radiation, the staffs there are sacrificing their health and lives, to save ours. While we( yg duk jepun atau bakal pulang ke jepun) complain about Planned Blackouts or train services, staffs there eat only 2times a day, in moring and at night, to fix the plant that provided you with electricity before this. So, let's be thankful. Bersyukurlah. Keadaan kita jauh lebih baik dari apa yang orang lain hadapi.
Time susah kita same susah, kalau senang sedikit, kita hulur-hulurkan lah untuk orang yang tak cukup. Itulah yang dikatakan rakyat Jepun rata-ratanya. Setakat ni saya tak pernah dengar atau baca orang Jepun yang merungut pasal kesan-kesan hal nuclear plan tu rosak. Hebat kan? :D
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