Salam and hello, people. :)
Today I want to write about a quite sensitive issue, but an issue that always on my mind. :) It's about why I wear hijab or head scarves and cover up my body.
What do you think of when people ask you why you wear a hijab and what's benefit of it? if you are a muslimah.
And if you are non-muslim or a brother, why do you think that islam asks their women to cover up their body except for face and hands?
Some of popular answers that I heard since I was a kid is like "to prevent harassment from men"and it is quite a popular belief that wearing a hijab completely can prevent a woman from being harassed or involved in sexual crimes. I would say NO WAY to that beliefs. I will talk about why I think hijab alone cannot prevent us from becoming victims in another post when I have time and mood to write about it because it's gonna long and today I just want to say why I wear my hijab.
My answer is really simple. It's because Allah asked me to do so(here I don't know if the word "ask" is suitable in this context or not, maybe ordered?required?is more suitable), that's the only reason why I wear hijab.
It would be lie if I say that I never wanted to run in beach without my head scarves. It would be a lie if I say that I never felt like want to curl my hair, dress in pretty one piece and walk in a pair of lace sandals. But when I think of how my act will disappoint The Prophet Muhammad alaihi salam when I meet them in world after(if I could), it's not worth to do. It's not worth if I make the best man in world, the man who love his ummah so much and the man who cared about us muslimah until his last breaths, sad. I just can't.
I don't have any reason why I shouldn't obey my God's order. If I wear hijab beause people around me, or because I'm scared of my mom or dad, I would probably take off my scarf here because if I do not say anything, people here do not know that I'm a muslim, they won't tell me to wear my hijab even if they knew. In fact, there's quite many muslims who quit to follow some islam's rules when they are out of their country. But I don't want to do so because it's about me and Allah, one-to-one. It's not that my life will be threaten or my health condition will be bad if I wear hijab. I do not have any prolem in my hijab.
If you think wearing a hijab can prevent you from becoming a victim of sexual crimes, you have to be careful and rethink about it deeply because from my experience, I got more harassment from muslim men when I'm in my so called "islamic" country Malaysia. Now I'm living in a non-muslim country but so far men here do not stare me like I'm a piece of meat and they do not flirt easily with me. I'm not saying that non-muslim men are better than muslim men when it comes to respect a woman (tapi kalau korang nak terasa, sila la sapa yang makan cili tu ye) but I just want to say that you are not safe even though you are wearing a hijab unless guys do not lower their gaze and respect you as a lady, a woman, a sister.
And I really hate to hear some people say it's women's faults why these day there are so many social problems such as zina, buang anak, keruntuhan akhlak, dan sebagainya. And some people also say that if all women wear hijabs completely and cover their aurah completely, there won't be such problems. Crazy, and really unfair! How could you punish your weak sisters just because you men cannot control yourselves? It's really clear that men are stronger in physical and mental so why men cannot control their nafsu? Are our men are that weak, can't resist to see some girls' body? then lower your gaze! Allah asked us to cover up so why can't you also do your part by lowering your gaze!If you blame girls for social problems, then why dont't each of you take a really good care of your sisters daughters and girl friends? If each of you take care of your family members and do not let them wear seductive clothes or act immodestly, then it won't be any problem, right? Pastu leh plak cakap "sian anak dara tua ni, makin meningkat bilangan anak dara yang tak kahwin, makin banyak masalah social, kesian dorg tak de orang jaga" dan jadikan alasan untuk kahwin lebih, mmg wtf gila ah.
Yes, this is my opinion. Tak puas hati? Terasa? But it's MY opinion and I do not force anybody except my lil sisters to wear hijab, so don't make a fuss about it.
Lastly, as always, thank you for reading<3 sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm being honest. ^^
I really like this post, it's so good, and so true. It's not only women, men have also some responsability. and as you said covering up with your hijab can't prevent you from zina, it's a big step but not the only.