Tuesday, January 24, 2012

milik siapakah?

Hidayah itu milik Allah. Kita tak boleh paksa orang untuk beriman, kerana tugas kita hanyalah mengajak manusia ke arah kebaikan, ke jalan Allah.

Sounds so familiar and so common, kan? Leh hafal n bila ditanya, senang je keluar dari mulut tanpa sekat-sekat. Tapi berapa ramai yang ikhlas nak ajak manusia ke arah makruf? Berapa ramai yang betul-betul menjalankan tugas sebagai da'i?

Tajuk entry ni takde kene-mengena dengan lagu zaman dulu-dulu ya. Ini berkaitan dengan izin Allah dan apakah usaha kita. :)

Hari ni tiba-tiba terfikir pasal tu sebab tengok status kawan yang bertukar ke Islam. Sebelumnya dia tak tulis apa-apa kt agama. Nama pun dah ada nama Islam. Akak tu belajar Bahasa kt universiti, sebab tu banyak berkawan dgn budak-budak Malaysai kt sini. Saya jumpa akak tu masa ada open house kt akk Malaysia yang lain.

Masa tengah duduk-duduk sambil tunggu giliran untuk solat, akak tu tanya, macam mana nak solat? Masa tu semua macam tiba-tiba senyap, semua mcm tak nak jawab soalan akak tu. Saya segan sebab saya baru kali pertama jumpa akak tu, senior lain kan ada. Siapa ntah bagitau kt akk Jepun tu, takbir, baca alfatihah,rukuk, sujud tu one set(rakaat), n ulang ikut bilangan yang ditetapkan cnthnya kalau Subuh, 2kali set tu. Lepas tu akak tu tanya macam mana nak baca al-fatihah tu, boleh tak ajarkan dia. Time ni lagi la semua orang awkward, sume tunduk.

Saya cakap kalau dengar mp3, senang cikit nak hafal. Dia pun cakap dia dah ada beberapa surah dalam player dia, tapi susah nak baca tulisan arab. So saya cakap kalau dah boleh tulis arab, senang cikit nak hafal sebab boleh ingat dengan maksud sekali. Lepas tu akak tu ada tanya lagi detail maksud basmalah, al-fatihah, dan bacaan-bacaan lain dalam solat. Memang dalam hati berdebar-debar lah kan, tak sangka sampai dia dah dengar ayat-ayat al-Quran. Ingat dia just nak tanya je, sebab curious. Tapi len macam je sebab detail sgt, mcm dia nak solat betul-betul je. Time ni saya tak tahu apa yang bermain di fikiran akak tu. (Sampai sekarang pun, bukannya saya leh tgk apa yg ad dlm isi hati org len, hehe.)

Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni ramai yang kembali pada islam, makin ramai gadis-gadis pakai tudung, dan ustaz-ustaz pun dah jadi popular dan dijadikan ikon. Dan makin ramai yang sedar pasal kepentingan tarbiyah atau dakwah. Tapi apa yang saya sedih, kita ni macam syok sendiri je. Buat kem, seminar, event, sume dikalangan kita2 org islam melayu. Cakap nak jadi da'i, tapi bila ada orang bukan islam tanya tentang islam secara terperinci, sume cabut lari membisu mengunci mulut. Tak pandai cakap bahasa Jepun la, tak reti nak explain la, buat apa nak cakap detail pasal solat kat orang kafir yg tak solat la, macam-macam alasan. Tapi kalau rakyat Malaysia bangsa lain yg fasih bahasa Melayu tanya kita, kita leh jawab ke? Yang faham bahasa Melayu dan adat-adat melayu tapi tak berapa tahu tentang islam tanya kt kita, kita leh jawab ke? Anak kita tanya, kita leh jawab ke? Ke kita semua serahkan kerja tarbiyah kat hanya ustaz ustazah kt sekolah agama dan pegawai jabatan islam je?

Kita gembira bila ada saudara baru join kita. Tapi berapa ramai di antara kita memudahkan dorg untuk kembali ke islam? Memanglah hidayah itu milik Allah, tapi ada tak kita turut serta dalam proses dorang nak kenal islam? Saya rasa sangat sedih sebab saya tak tolong akak tu sekuat tenaga saya, saya bagitau sikit-sikit je, pstu suruh akak tu belajar arab n ingat sendiri. Rasa bersalah sangat. :(

Ingat tak masa kat sekolah, cikgu selalu galakkan kita untuk study group, ajar kawan-kawan yang kurang faham tentang pelajaran. Sebab kalau kita leh explain kt orang, ia boleh mengukuhkan ingatan kita dan fahaman kita, kalau tak leh explain, belum faham sepenuhnya la maksudnya. Bagi saya, islam pun macam tu jugak. Kita kena faham betul-betul apa yang kita amalkan, apa yang kita baca semua tu. Tak boleh la setakat hafal je, buat sebab dah biasa atau sebab orang lain pun buat.

Allah pun pernah tegur Nabi saw, untuk jangan abaikan orang yang datang minta diajar. So mari lah kita bersiap sedia dengan ilmu yang cukup, supaya tak panic bila ada orang tanya, so that kita leh sumbang untuk jalan Allah dengan bagi bantuan kt dorg yg bminat. :)

Islam tak perlukan kita tapi kita yang perlukan islam<3

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Take Care Of Dry Hands

pelik. tiba2 blog sy yg selama ni bergiat secara underground dan hanya dikunjung oleh beberapa org seminggu, tiba2 je rmi plak yg menjenguk. sy leh tgk dr mane dorg access n gne device ape sume so I guess I know who they are. ;)

Salam and hello to my dear readers and my loyal stalkers<3

Do you guys still remember that I wrote about I had dry skin problem, especially my hands?. I think my condition become better now so I want to share my tips to take care of hands. :D

1. Wash them correctly

Many people use soaps or detergents in daily life but do you know that you have to wash your rinse your hands betul2 after that? Like after you do dish washing, you should rinse your hands with water throughly so that no residue of detergent on your hands that can make your skin irritated or dry, or even worse thing, that you can google about it because I can't explain it. :p

Korg sume guna pencuci pinggan kan? tau tak, sebenarnya pencuci pinggan tu dibuat utk diguna selepas di"dilute"kan dgn air oleh pengguna? Ramai yg guna pencuci tu terus kan, tuang beberapa titis direcly ke sponge. Kesan saki baki pencuci pinggan yang terlekat kt pinggan atau tangan kita tu sgt buruk, yg sy plg igt dan paling cuak (lol) ialah boleh mencacatkan keturunan kita! So be careful when you use detergents, rinse thoroughly with water.

2. Wipe your hands after you wash them

After go back to home or go to toilet, you wash your hands, right? And some people may just leave their hands wet, when they couldn't find dryer for hand or tissues to wipe the water left on hands away. Admit it, I know because I was once such person, I didn't care for bringing my own handkerchief but this habit is not good for dry skin actually. You imagine a paper or towel: what happen after you wet them with water and let them dry just like that? They will shrink and become drier than before you wet them, right?

So make sure you bring your own handkerchief or mini towel in case you couldn't find dryer or tissue. I have been doing this since some places in Japan started to limit usage of electrics due to the earth quake. I usually use hand dryer but they turned the switch off and this still continued in some places in Tokyo so I have to deal with this.

And don't rub your hands, wipe them gently buy pressing the handkerchief for several time. Remember, you should be gentle to your skin, ANY TIME, ok? ;)

3. Lock the moisture!
Using a hand lotion is one of the easiest way to keep your hands' moisture but you know how often you should apply them? Possibly after every time you wash them and before you go out. You can choose which lotion you like, but I think for those who do not have sensitive skin, you can choose any cheap, good-smelling one that can make you want to use it often. For who have sensitive skin, try look for lotion that is made for sensitive skin, without any extra addictive or fragrant or .... emm I think you know your skin better so please look for one that suit yours. :D

And if you still have dry hands, try to do extra at night: wear cotton glove after you rub lotion on to your hands! I do it almost everyday, sometimes I sleep with the gloves on and it works! I wash my face, do wudhu', do my daily skin care routine and lastly I apply lotion and put gloves on. My skin improved so dramatically after that, alhamdulillah, and now I don't feel embarrassed whenever I shake hands with people!

So, if you also have same problem like me, why don't you give it a try?;)

 I use Hemp Hand Protector that I got from my happy beg and boy, it works! I've been wanted to buy it before, but didn't buy it because I think it's quite expensive for hand lotion. But now I soooo like it, it works! It's in aluminium tube, and I think it's cool.

Thank you for reading<3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My 2012 Resolution

Salam, and hello.

I actually already half done and then I don't know it just gone, I think I pressed wrong button, and this auto save function saved it and I couldn't reach my draft anymore. So sad. :(

Anyway, I was reviewing what happened in 2011. It was such a year, so many incident happened and we had been tested so many times. First we witnessed Arab's thaurah, or revolution and the we were shocked by Japan's huge earthquake. Personally, it was really a shocking incident for me because I'm living in Japan, and I tell you, the situation was so out of normal, it's like we were in war situation although I never been in war. Soon the situation got better but we still cannot forget about people who are suffering from effects of tsunami and radiation. At that time, I felt like "Ok this year is  such a test for everyone in Japan" and never thought that other big incident will happened in same year. But then we lost many famous people, I don't want to take any side but hey, they are already receiving their part after their death, we are still living so who are we to judge them? I'm sure many people also suffered from European financial crisis, floods in Brazil and Thailand, other incidents. But after everything, we managed to survive those. For us who are left to go on with live, let's make 2012 a better year together. :)

Hehe that's my long, long opening. Here it is, my 2012 resolution:

1. Study. Study French, Italian and Spanish more seriously until I reach to a level I can enjoy simple conversation with native speakers.

2. Read books. Especially about difference among mazhabs and Islamic economy system, which I really interested in but didn't have chance to. I want to spare more time for reading.

3. Socialize. I mean, to meet new people, and appreciate friends that I already have. Say hi to people first and if they say hi to me, I should smile and be friendly. 

4. Travel to:
        Australia and visit my best friend there.
        somewhere with my girl friend. Maybe to Korea or inside of Japan.
        somewhere in Japan by my self. I want to do a solo trip again.

6. Save money enough to my Europe trip next year's spring insyaAllah. My target is around 300000Yen. I want a Mac Book Air too but not really sure. I might rather spend the money for invest on my closet but, I've been dreaming for it for quite long. Not sure.

6. Smile. Less thinking about people hate me or things that make me unhappy. Appreciate what I have and concentrate on what and how I can achieve more.

That's all. Quite many ha? :p I don't know can achieve all or even I remember this or not after 3months but yeah, it's free to dream and you can always make new goal again if the old one didn't fit you. :D

Me when I was in Ireland last year.
Haha I love this photo because I look so confident. This picture really suit my mood, so motivated!
So now I want to start to study Italy, for the final exam.. :( Please pray for me, I have 11 final exams to survive!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Readers,

I'm not a perfect person. Everyday I try to be a better one but sometimes I fail and maybe I make a wrong decision. Don't expect me to be your idol, nor put high expectation. I'm not an angel, I'm not an ustazah. If you feel disappointed by my act, please send me private emails or talk to me directly. Commenting sarcastic mean comments on my blog like a silly teenager won't be a good choice to advice me.

Mt. Fuji

Just some pictures I took during my new year shopping trip in an outlet mall near Mt. Fuji.

I took this picture on train.
I was soooo excted to see big Mt. Fuji or  Fuji-san, I can see Fujisan almost everyday from where I live but it's small from here.

An onigiri
We had some onigiri while waiting the train. I woke up quite early on that day because the journey is quite long, about 2hours and half and I wanted to go there as soon as possible before all bargains were bought by other shoppers. I was at my nearest station around 7am, changed trains like 3 or 4 times, so I was so hungry when we reached the last station to change train.

Onigiri is a rice bowl with topping inside (?), my favorite onigiri is salmon flakes and okaka, dried tuna flakes with soy sauce. Other popular onigiris are tuna mayonnaise, sour plum, and cod roes.

Doves in station were quite big, or just I rarely see doves this closely, they were cute, they didn't run away even we came nearer to them, so I kejar-kejar until train comes.

Makin dekat kt area Fujisan, makin sejuk sebab jauh dgn bandar.

No pictures were taken during shopping time because I was too busy!lol
The sale was quite good, Coach and Samantha Thavasa offered 50% discounts and Coach gave another 30% discount to people who bought a hand beg. I didn't buy any because there was nothing that I really liked. I bought a train pass holder from Kate Spade, actually I wanted a purse but didn't find any that I really liked. Maybe next time. :)

I was saving my money from December for this trip and I really enjoyed it! For now I will save money again for summer sale in July. But I'm going to Australia and I hope I can go to Europe again so I should save more.. :(

Body Shop's Happy Beg

Salam, and a happy new year again!

Ok for this entry, I want to write about what's inside of "happy beg" that I bought on 1st January. In Japan, happy begs or fukubukuro are sold during new year's sale. Basically, it's a beg that contains many products from that shop or brand, and usually you can't see what't inside but they claim that total products' price inside of the beg is more than the price of the beg itself. But since you don't really know what's inside, it's like a happy draw, and people here enjoy it as a new year's tradition to test out their luck for the year.

For me, ofcourse I did research first on internet, and I thought buying fukubukuro from Body Shop is  a good idea. They have 3 types, 3500yen, 5000yen and 10000yen. I bought 5000yen one (around RM204 or 51euro.

Actually you can see what's inside of beg and choose what you like in Body Shop, so I chose one that has a shampoo set, I really needed new ones at that time.

I got:
1. Shampoo and conditioner from same line.
2. Hair treatment
3. Wide comb
4. Small body wash and lotion set with bath lily.
5. 2 shower gels.
6. Hand cream
7. Nail file
8. 4 pencils

Rainforest Volume Shampoo
 I was looking for a non-silicone shampoos, and that's why I chose this beg. They smell like cranberries, I think, and I like it. This is my first time using non-silicone shampoo, so I'm not used to the feeling yet, the shampoo doesn't make foams as much and my hair is not as smooth as before. But I will continue to use this because non-silicone shampoo is good for my hair, insyaAllah. :)

Wide comb and Rainforest Radiant Hair Treatment

I already have a wide tooth comb to comb my hair before shampoo, saya jarang sikat rambut so I don't use this much. I use this treatment together with Volume shampoo and conditioner. and this one smell nicer than them, it's like yummy sweet smell like cake or kuih. I wanted this series of shampoo set if I could. This hair treatment doesn't contain silicone too.

Small Moroccan Rose body gel set

I totally happy to get this set because Moroccan Rose is my top favorite smell from Body Shop and I use its perfume too. This is a travel size so it will be handy when I go to a trip.

Full size body gels
I was interested in this series since it was launched in summer, I thought of buying it to use during my morning shower so I was really happy to get not one but two of them! I tried only one of them, FIg and Rosemary one but oh my goodness, it doesn't smell good! When I use it, I feel like a chicken to be marinated because of the rosemary smell. It's still tolerable to use but I will not choose to buy it myself. It's just....erghh. BUT, my skin become really smooth and soft after I used this. I think I will use it once a while and enjoy it's not-so-good smell, but not confident to use it until end. The other Lemon and Thyme one has a refreshing, pleasant smell, I'm thinking of use it after gym session or in the morning when I want to be refreshed.

Hemp hand protector and nail file
I love collecting hand cream and lotions so I love this. I didn't buy it by myself before this because it's expensive for a hand cream, but I know it's really popular item and Body Shop. I'm using it right now, typing this entry with cotton gloves on, gloves that I bought from this brand as well. I love that it's in aluminium tube. For nail file, I think I'm not gonna use it because I don't like the feeling, I just feel nervous macam calar kukur je. Geli.

For pencils,I don't know what to do because I don't use pencils anymore and I don't have exams that have to use pencils. I don't have any pencil sharpener in my dorm room. =,= But they are pretty so I will use it to take notes in room or give them to my little cousins.

That's all. Thank you for reading<3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Clay mask

salam, and happy new year!

it's already 2012!!! and don't tell me about crazy end of the world rumors, I not gonna listen to those stories and hey, poor Maya people how long you want them to make calender? they just simply got bored or tired, I think.lol

Ok this year's first entry is a review entry on my favorite clay mask for pores. My skin doesn't have much problem like acne or being too oily or too dry, alhamdulilah, but one of my biggest concerns since I was in secondary school is about pores. I have problem about that. I tried to clean my face 2times in a day, do nose strips once a week, scrubbing, warm them with steam, squeeze them with a tool that has small hole to squeeze black heads, go to facial and etc. But still, I have black pores around my nose and it quite hurts when my friends ask me like "eh why you have black dots around your nose?", especially when we were in school, not anymore because now we are grown ups and I think nobody will say such mean things to me. I hope so lah. It's not that I was being lazy and didn't take care of my face, I did, but it just didn't work.

(Sy igt lg masa sy kt SMK, ad sorg kwn sy ni ad bnyk black pores, and sgt bnyk dan agak menonjol bintik2 kt hidung dia tu. Tapi takda sapa sebut pasal tu n sy pun fikir, oh dia pun menghadapi masalah yg sama, so sy pun xckp apa2lah. Tapi satu hari time rehat tgh duduk sembang2 dgn kwn2, tiba2 dia tnya nape sy ad bnyk bintik hitam kt hidung. Sy igt lg dia wat muka jijik n tgk closely kt muka sy n tanya tak basuh muka betul2 ke? Mmg terkejut nape dia wat cmtu n kita sume cm tdiam xtau nk reaksi cmne.. hihi cite sedih time dulu2..)

But now I am not that poor tiny teenager anymore and I can try many products in markets!

I already tried blive products, but I think it's quite pricey and I couldn't consistently because rasa rugi kalau guna banyak2 and I just used them once a while.

When I went to Korea in September, ofcourse I looked for products can help my problem kan, and I did some survey on beauty magazines and blogs about Korean cosmetics and I found this:

innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask
This is a clay mask from Innisfree, a Korean brand that has natural, organic, herbs things, and I usually don't like such brands, I don't really understand organic things because I like products that I can see it's result, and as a student I can't afford pricey goods. I bought this clay mask and a cream foundation from same line, Jeju Volcanic series because I saw them on magazines without putting any high expectation, but I totally love them and I think they are the top 3 of my favorite Korean brand goods!

It has a really smooth texture, without weird herbal smell or anything, and it just glide smoothly on your face and you don't need much for one time use. Products for closing pores are usually really drying and sometime they give you that tight feeling after you use them but surprisingly, this clay mask won't make your skin feel dry or tight. My skin is definitely becomes softer and brighter after I used this. I really like to see my face after I wash the clay out, my cheeks look blushed and my face is radiant<2 hehe prasan.

The price is really affordable, 12,000won, or around RM32 or 8euro. Murah kan? I reaaaaaly recommend ladies who love skin care products and makeups like me to go shopping in Korea because they have many good brands with affordable prices.

I will upload other Korean makeups too soon, insyaAllah.

Thanks for reading<3