Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why I write in English

As always, thank you so much for spending your time to read my blog. I know my English grammar is terrible, but what I want to do here is not writing an essay to win a scholar for English but to share what I love to people who are kind enough to come to my blog and for my own recording.

I used to have a writing class with this one teacher, he adviced us to keep writing and don't erase anything before you finish writing it. Because it's kind of momentum thing, if you write a couple of sentences and go back to check its grammar, erased what's wrong, and make new sentences for each, then you will stop writing someday.

Same goes with talking. Is there any of you started to talk when you really had understand everything about grammar and stuff when you were a kid? No way! A child speaks without fearing about mistakes. And he or she will learn through mistakes he or she made and won't stop speaking. And so do I. I will not stop writing just because I'm not good in it yet. :)

So keep reading my blog and you watch it yourself wheter I improved or not by writing a blog!lol

Thank you for reading<3

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