Tuesday, May 31, 2011

baking 2

lately, I am really into scones! I found some easy recipes on internet, and it was really good. I only needed flour, butter, milk and some sugar. No special tool or skills. But it's not good for my diet. :(

chunky choc scone that I had in a cafe
I want to bake breads for tomorrow's brekkie but I lost (I want to believe that I just misplace it) a small part of the bread maker machine. so sad. :'(

Today I had Chai Tea and it was sooo nice? I thought chai is a kind of strange drink, since chai that I had for the first time had a really really strong spices flavour and smell, it doesn't taste like milk tea at all!(my friend explained to me before that, that chai is a kind of milk tea) Since then I don't have a good image of chai, but today I had a milky more sweeter one and really liked it!
Wanna have some when chatting with my girl friends. But again, milky sweet things are not good for my diet. waaaaa why all the delicious things are bad for health???

1 comment:

  1. Oh! it looks delicious! :D I have to cook for my birthday party , so I have to search some recipes :D

    Take care!
